Development Projects

Pioneering Affordable Housing
Our Impactful Development Projects

Our development projects at DW Homes are at the heart of our mission to revolutionize affordable housing. Each project is a testament to our commitment to innovation, quality, and community enrichment. We meticulously plan and execute each development, ensuring that it not only meets but exceeds the expectations of our future residents.
We take pride in our diverse portfolio, which includes a range of residential projects from single-family homes to multi-unit complexes. Each project is designed with the unique needs of its community in mind, incorporating features and amenities that enhance the quality of life for residents. Our developments are strategically located to provide easy access to essential services like schools, healthcare, and public transportation, fostering a sense of community and connectedness.
Sustainability is a cornerstone of our development philosophy. We incorporate eco-friendly materials and technologies to minimize our environmental footprint, creating homes that are not only affordable but also sustainable in the long run. Our projects often feature green spaces, energy-efficient appliances, and water-saving fixtures, contributing to a healthier environment for our residents and the planet.
Explore our portfolio and see how DW Homes is setting new standards in affordable housing development.

Citadel Village Townhomes
A Beacon of Hope and Community

Overview: Citadel Village Townhomes is a visionary project by DW Homes, designed to address the critical need for affordable housing for homeless and low-income individuals. This multifamily complex is not just about providing shelter; it’s about fostering a sense of community, stability, and hope.
Project Details
  • Location and Structure: Nestled in a serene yet accessible location, Citadel Village comprises 50 townhome units spread across 11 buildings. These buildings, a mix of fourplex and fiveplex structures, create a diverse and integrated community.
  • Architectural Design: The complex features a contemporary architectural style, blending warmth and modernity. The use of concrete tile roofing enhances durability and complements the local architectural vernacular. High-quality vinyl windows ensure energy efficiency, while decorative shutters and stucco finish echo traditional Californian architecture. Each unit is adorned with a wood trellis, adding natural beauty and shaded outdoor spaces.
  • Landscape and Environment: The landscape plan prioritizes environmental sustainability and aesthetic appeal. Flowering accent trees, medium and accent shrubs selected for drought resistance, and ample green spaces create a beautiful, breathable living environment conducive to community activities and personal tranquility.
Citadel Village is more than a housing complex; it’s a support system. We offer job training, financial literacy workshops, health and wellness programs, and mental health support, all aimed at empowering residents towards stability and self-sufficiency.
Sustainability is key in Citadel Village. Energy-efficient designs, water conservation practices, and the use of eco-friendly materials are fundamental. The complex is fully accessible, ensuring inclusivity for all residents.

Boulder Village
Empowering First-Time Homeownership

Introduction: Boulder Village, a project set in the heart of Perris, CA, represents DW Homes’ commitment to first-time homeownership. This project aims to provide 50 single-family homes, offering an accessible path to owning a home for first-time buyers.
Project Insights
  • Community Design: Boulder Village is conceptualized to be more than a housing development; it’s a community. Each home is designed with attention to detail, ensuring a balance of privacy and communal interaction.
  • Home Features: These single-family homes are designed with both aesthetics and functionality in mind. Spacious layouts, modern amenities, and energy-efficient fixtures are standard. Outdoor spaces, community parks, and walking trails encourage an active and engaged lifestyle.
  • Affordability and Support: Understanding the challenges faced by first-time homeowners, DW Homes offers various financing options, including educational sessions on mortgages and home ownership, to make this significant life step more achievable and less daunting.
Boulder Village is more than a collection of houses; it’s a platform for building a community. The development will include common areas like playgrounds, community gardens, and multipurpose halls to foster interactions among residents, creating a strong, supportive neighborhood.
In line with our commitment to sustainability, Boulder Village homes will be equipped with solar panels, energy-efficient appliances, and water-saving systems. This not only reduces the environmental footprint but also offers long-term savings to homeowners.

Milpas Transitional Home
A New Beginning

Concept: Milpas Transitional Home is a residential treatment facility designed to provide a safe, supportive, and nurturing environment for individuals in transition. This project is a testament to DW Homes’ dedication to social responsibility and community support.
Facility Features
  • Design and Layout: The facility is designed to be welcoming and secure, with spaces that encourage healing and growth. Private and shared rooms, communal living areas, therapy rooms, and outdoor recreational spaces form the core of the design.
  • Supportive Programs: Milpas Transitional Home offers comprehensive programs including individual counseling, group therapy, skill-building workshops, and community integration activities, all aimed at fostering independence and self-reliance.
Our focus is on creating an environment that supports the personal development of each resident. Professional staff, including therapists, social workers, and healthcare professionals, will be available to provide guidance and support.

Turnbrook Transitional Home
A Journey to Independence

Overview: Turnbrook Transitional Home, another pivotal project under the DW Homes umbrella, is a residential facility aimed at providing a structured, supportive environment for individuals working towards independence.
Facility Design
  • Accommodation and Facilities: The home is designed to be a comfortable and secure place for residents to grow and thrive. It includes individual and shared rooms, communal dining areas, therapy and activity rooms, and serene outdoor spaces.
  • Empowerment through Programs: The facility offers a range of programs like vocational training, life skills development, and community reintegration support, all designed to empower residents in their journey towards independence.
Turnbrook Transitional Home adopts a holistic approach, addressing not just the physical needs of its residents but also their emotional and psychological well-being. The staff is trained to provide compassionate care and support, ensuring a nurturing and growth-conducive environment.
Across all our projects, from townhomes to transitional homes, DW Homes prioritizes sustainability and inclusivity. Our projects are not just about buildings; they’re about creating spaces where people can grow, thrive, and find community. We’re committed to using eco-friendly materials, adopting energy-efficient practices, and ensuring our developments are accessible to all, reflecting our deep commitment to the environment and social equity.


Total Buildings
Total Units
1 M
portfolio value (€)
total single family residences

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